Grid View

Select an Existing View




If enabled by the Administrator, all User levels can set Home Page Options, sorting and/or grouping columns on the home page to their liking. If this is disabled, Staff will still be able to see other views, as set up by the Administrator. This is done in the Ticket Settings-Home Page Views area of Revelation's Administration area. Each user can also create custom grid views for their home page.


You will be able to page through them without having to return to the home page using the arrows in the Ticket Number area.

Select an Existing View



If you leave the home page or logout of the system, when you return, the home page view will remain at the last setting.



Once you select a home page, if there are groupings, you will be able to collapse or expand groups and sub groups using the arrows by the group headers. If you use the arrow by the column headers, you will expand/collapse the entire grouping.


Collapse all


Expand all


Collapse group


Expand group


Paging controls are available on the home page allowing users to select a view of between 50 to 200 tickets per page.



The controls at the bottom of the page will allow you to page through by clicking on the page number or using the forward/back arrows. The double arrows will take you to the first or last page of your tickets.


If you have a large number of tickets, and you have the tickets collapsed into groups, Revelation will let you know if your group extends to the next or previous page of tickets.